Black Flies

Some good neighborly heavy-hooded ghostly angel has cleared the sidewalk of snow
halfway up my driveway even
cutting perfect white jagged edges
of gleaming unadulterated flakes                         all clustered
                                                                            like exposed cement
when we know they’re goddamn individual miracles

but most times we don’t see things
like children come running through the front room in and out chasing balloons –
My girls my beautiful girls that won’t always be beautiful girls
some day sassing strutting someday not so much smiling for Saturday freedom joy
instead smiling for some boy at school or out of school worse
And then cold bones                                                 and decay

                                    Nobody likes to think these things.

If you could believe in God the way my mother believes in God
it would never snow
and children would not grow old & dull
                                    either way they waft in and out like breezes
in this big city house draped in heavy white drifts
now touching my big black beard all fuzzy fuzzy daddy
feeling cold little miracle fingers along my face like the smell of cookies baking
now far away noises that may or may not be dream noises
as they drop their brother’s Lego heads into the eternity of scary black cast iron
heating grates giggling despite the sad doom of it all 

Thru enormous ornamented glass of the front room torrential heaven light
and I in my reading chair gray with rips and its ancient claw feet
I dissolve into my coffee somemore and study Big Sur
-       can’t read Kerouac without writing like Kerouac - contagious sonofabitch stupid saint running through terrifying clarity sometimes
            and clarity is terrifying sometimes
            maybe alltimes
            and anyone who tells you otherwise
            sits crosslegged with Psychology degree
            and tells you otherwise
            has never seen clarity never been clarity
maybe with the love of warm whiskey you can escape Old Jack
maybe the city is the answer now
until the mountains and the indifferent smashing sea become the hope once more
maybe the right woman or a handsome boy
Samsara Samsara Samsara
Stupid Samsara
can’t drink or think your way out
can’t roar fast on 1940’s highways anymore
can’t control the shakes
can’t look to Neal to save you anymore than I can look to Maria
or my Gabrielle
we can’t take off like brothers
although you are my brother like you palled around with Jimmy Joyce and Tommy Wolfe and Dante
you found a way out afterall you sonsabitches
you writers you hopeless lunatics misunderstood meandering daydreamers
you broke failures you broken stars you disappearing angels
you recurring devils
patently false in your disbelief
you knew that God was taking care of you
that he had given you the gift of immortality you could feel it in the wind you could taste it in the first beer from the mountains you could hear it in the clickety clack of the typewriter and smell it in forgotten dream alleys all inky
with words in black and white sorrow, energy, cigarette smoke your thoughts are out there somewhere bouncing around still waiting to be written – just think of all the ones that got away
while you were cataloging the sounds of the sea like a delirious barefoot scientist
who was watching the desert stars, who was writing haikus in midtown who was shepherding the Adirondack black flies on to heaven?
