the sickest form of madness

psychotic deviation
            Mother and child
                        Earth and man
what kind of person rapes his mother                                            fits her frail body for cheap vinyl 
then rapes her –
gangbangs her with the guys from the Rotary Club

while still in utero they gag her,
            violate her with neon
preside over the desertification of her womb                                   
and give her fever with their concoctions
and so-called remedies for despair
make her chain-smoke till her face is calloused from burns
bury their excrement in her belly                       ever deeper            ever wider            ever
more toxic
they turn from her touch and call it harsh                       uncivilized
and old fashioned
sorry they say lady                                                         you are passé
nobody wants your flower
we can paint our own with plasma
nobody needs your bread
we can eat fresh at Subway
I dig you but you’re in the way of my                             dream house

Notes: Published by
Willows Wept Review
Issue Nine: Fall 2010
